Eagle Pose and its benefits

Eagle Pose and its benefits

Eagle pose (Garud asana) and its benefits The eagle is a god in Indian mythology, and so is considered sacred and important. As with the tree pose, garudasana (pronounced gah-roo-DAH-sah-nah) improves balance and concentration as well as develops the ankles and removes stiffness in the 

Styles of Yoga

Styles of Yoga

Styles of Yoga Yoga includes an ever-growing number of styles, schools, and traditions, as well as the innovations of countless yogis over the centuries.  Yoga has continually incorporated new influences. Rather than thinking of yoga as being ancient, it’s probably more accurate to view it 

Yoga poses for diabetic patient?

Yoga poses for diabetic patient?

Yoga for diabetic patients Diabetes is a metabolic disease that causes blood sugar levels to rise in the body. The condition is categorized as Type 1 and Type 2, in Type 1 the production of insulin is impaired and Type 2 there’s either resistance to 

Chakrasana wheel pose benefits

Chakrasana wheel pose benefits

Chakra asana (Wheel pose) And Its Benefits​ The word Chakra means a wheel and the purpose of this pose is to make your body strong and mobile like a wheel.  This posture comes in the category of a backbend ad the body is arched backwards 

What to expect from a Yoga Teacher Training in India

What to expect from a Yoga Teacher Training in India

What to expect from a Yoga Teacher Training in India We humans are born with a unique mission and it is our responsibility to recognise our true potential so we can lead a life of fulfilment and contentment. In this journey called life we go 

Why do people choose Rishikesh for Yoga Teacher Training

Why do people choose Rishikesh for Yoga Teacher Training

Why Rishikesh is best place for Yoga teacher Training in India Spiritual, divine and an epitome of natural beauty, situated in the state of Uttarakhand the city of Rishikesh is the perfect spot for yoga practitioners all over the world to find solace. The buzzing 

Should women practice Yoga during Periods?

Should women practice Yoga during Periods?

Avoid these Yoga for Periods We have all heard of different theories about whether women should practice Yoga during menstruation or not. So let’s take a little closer look and really understand whether women should practice yoga during menstruation or not. First of all you 



What is Paschimottanasana? How to do Paschimottanasana? Paschim literally means the west. It implies the back of tire whole body from the head to the heels. The anterior or eastern aspect is the front of the body from the face dawn to tire toes. The 

Downward Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog

Adho Mukha asana: Downward Facing Dog We have all heard this term in between our poses and those flows, but the Downward Dog known as Adho Mukha Svanasana in Sanskrit is one of the fundamental poses in Yoga. The asana is both an inversion and 

Eight limbs of Yoga

Eight limbs of Yoga

Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga by Patanjali Maharaj The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit word yuj, which can be translated into “yoking” or “union.” When a yoga teacher in training learns the essence of this word, it is often taught that in yoga we