Yoga poses for diabetic patient?
Yoga for diabetic patients
Diabetes is a metabolic disease that causes blood sugar levels to rise in the body. The condition is categorized as Type 1 and Type 2, in Type 1 the production of insulin is impaired and Type 2 there’s either resistance to insulin or production is impaired. Insulin transfers glucose into cells which is utilised to produce energy, that’s why people with diabetes feel lethargic and tired, in spite of being well rested and consuming the right nutrients. Insulin plays a vital role in fat and protein metabolism as well.
If diabetes is not managed at the right time, some of its long term effects can be fatal. It can damage the nerves, kidneys, eyes, cause cardiac issues and increase blood pressure.

Yoga can improve the functionality of the pancreas and strengthen them. Therefore it helps to increase the amount and regulate insulin level. But, diabetes can be managed only to an extent that you may not need medication. However, curing it completely even through yoga might not be possible in many cases, but many symptoms can be managed with the practice of Yoga postures and breath-work.
Benefits of Yoga for Diabetic patients are as follows:
- Improves functionality and activates pancreas to regulate insulin production.
- Improve blood sugar levels
- Increase oxygen levels and remove toxins from the blood.
- Lowers blood pressure.
- Strengthens and conditions all major muscle groups.
- It can reduce body weight which is very vital to keep diabetes under check.
Postures for diabetes are
- Seated Forward Fold – Paschimottanasana
The seated forward fold improves the functioning of the pancreas and other visceral organs as well like liver, kidney and spleen. Therefore, it helps in regulating blood sugar levels to a vast extent. The seated forward fold also soothes the nervous system and has a very calming effect on the mind that helps reduce stress and anxiety.
- Triangle Pose – Trikonasana
This standing posture is performed by going into a lateral bend, due to the side bend the organs situated in both the sides get massaged and it helps in the process of detoxification as well. The practice of this pose improves bone strength and improves blood circulation to the abdominal organs and strengthens the spine as well. It also helps in reducing visceral fat in the abdominal region.
- Sitting Half Spinal Twist – Ardha Matsyendrasana
Twisting postures in yoga are considered very beneficial as it increases blood circulation in the abdominal region therefore improves their functioning. It also helps release the residual tension in the lower back and strengthens the spinal nerves. The practice of this posture also boosts metabolic activity.
- Sun Salutations – Surya Namaskar
The sun salutation is a series of postures performed in a flow that increases the heart rate in a controlled manner. Regular practice of sun salutation increases oxygen supply and blood circulation within the body. Sun salutations work on the major muscle groups in the body that improve the muscular system, mobility, and aids weight loss as it creates heat within the body.
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